Monday, May 26, 2014

Doing A LOT of Contacts...

Good Morning Everyone!!

This week has been a good one, well I am pretty sure I say that all the time, but really it has been pretty great. 

This week, like I mentioned last week we have been doing A LOT of contacts. Its really a great way to meet new people, and especially with such a small branch, its hard to work a lot with the members. This week we had 10 people in sacrament meeting- again including 4 missionaries. That is something that kind of breaks my heart a little coming from Utah County, but there are always two ways to look at a challenge. So there is a lot of work to be done here in Panambi. I am excited. But in these contacts, it has been really interesting to get to know a lot of different people, and if we are really friendly and nice they usually say we can share a message with them. 

We met a man this week named Nieltor who has a degree in theology. He is really smart and knows the Bible really well. Honestly, that scared me a little when we went to his house. But it went really well. We taught him about prophets and how Jesus organized His church when he was here. He quoted a scripture that talks about false prophets, and then asked us about Joseph Smith. It is awesome how in the moment God truly can put words into your mouth. We talked about if the Bible warns against so many false prophets then truly there should be one true prophet. He became real quiet and thought about that. After that we asked him to pray about we had taught, and he said he would. 

Also this week, we have been dying to talk to Melini. She was the girl that let us use her computer to skype for mothers day. She had a baptism marked, but got into a fight with her husband and backed out. So I went to talk with her at church yesterday to ask her when we could meet to talk about the baptism. But before I could even get 1 word out she told me she wanted to be baptized and that we need to mark a date. WOW! I am excited that she has such a strong desire to be baptized. 

Well my companion is really great! She is patient with me as I am learning how to train, which is awesome! I love the other Sisters I live with too, we have been working together with the other companionship to get to know the other less actives here in Panambi, and really I couldn't have asked for better Sisters to work with... Okay maybe if I could request for McKenna to get sent down here, and maybe we could put Kim back as a missionary... But hey! 

Well, congrats to Michael! Graduation!! Way to go, kiddo. Don't trip on your robe when you walk to get your diploma... okay?? JK you’re tall. That won't even be a problem for you.

Conner.... I am expecting a letter to hear how your competition went!! 

Thanks for all the letters folks!! You are all the best support a missionary could ask for!!

If I could just leave you with a quick thought I read this last week in studying the atonement:

To accept our weaknesses as permanent frailties is to deny the power of the atonement. This gospel is a gospel of change. We are imperfect children of a Father in Heaven who loves us, but who has high expectations of us. He knew on our own we couldn't be perfect so He sent His son. And through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we can have the opportunity to access the power of the atonement and change, become better, and ultimately become as our Father in Heaven~Perfect.
(3 Nephi 12:48)

I love you all. I pray that you all have a great week. Thanks again for all the continued support. 
With all my Love, 
Sister K Seal

Sorry no photos it rained all week long, and didn't want to ruin the camera. Next week:)

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